About the blog

Art and fashion are age-old bedfellows, says the BBC Arts editor Will Gompertz — and what an agreeable match they make! I couldn't agree more! That is why I would like to take you not only to the fashion shows and runways in Miami, but get off the usual fashion track and peak into the artsy circles of expos, happenings and exciting events, also keeping you abrest with what's going on in the art world that Miami is so freshly famous for, because exciting places bring about cool people with their unique styles.

Miami is a crazy, delightful and sometimes overwhelming melting pot of styles, which is by no means monotonous! We'll be taking to the streets regularly to show you what "bubbles up" out there among the city fashionistas, believe me, there are tons of interesting ideas to pick and make your own! As well as regular updates on the current fashion trends and interesting fashion finds.

You can reach me at contact@trendparty.net.

Keep it real!

Maria SavchenkoBlogger, designer, coolhunter